PAX Terminals Pre-requisite

To setup a PAX Smart Terminal the following are the information we needed from a merchant

Payment Processor Prerequisites


  1. MerchantID

  2. DeviceID

  3. Username ( Starts with TA )

  4. Password

Debit / EBT : Make sure the EBT is configured on processors with correct params

First Data Rapid Connect

  1. MerchantID

  2. GroupID

  3. Terminal ID


  1. BankID

  2. MerchantID

  3. TerminalD

North American Bancard

  1. Payanywhere account setup with username and password

  2. PA SDK Installed on your device

  3. Device is encrypted with Payanywhere Encryption

Device Prerequisites

PAX E500 Prerequisite

  1. E500 Serial Number starting with 115xxx ( Sticker back of the device )

  2. Q20L Serial Number starting with 114xxx ( Sticker back of the device )

  3. Payment Processor Information ( See the section for Payment Processor Pre requisite for specific details on each processors )

  4. Verification of paxstore URL inside the Q20L for Activation process ( Refer Activation Process )

PAX E600 Prerequisite

  1. E600 Serial Number starting with 116xxx ( Sticker underneath the device )

  2. Q20L Serial Number starting with 114xxx ( Sticker underneath the device )

  3. Payment Processor Information ( See the section for Payment Processor Pre requisite for specific details on each processors )

  4. Verification of paxstore URL inside the Q20L for Activation process ( Refer Activation Process )

PAX E700 Prerequisite

  1. E700 Serial Number starting with 116xxx ( Sticker underneath the device )

  2. Q20L Serial Number starting with 114xxx ( Sticker underneath the device )

  3. Payment Processor Information ( See the section for Payment Processor Pre requisite for specific details on each processors )

  4. Verification of paxstore URL inside the Q20L for Activation process ( Refer Activation Process )

PAX E800 Prerequisite

  1. E800 Serial Number starting with 115xxx ( Sticker back of the device )

  2. Q20L Serial Number starting with 114xxx ( Sticker back of the device )

  3. Payment Processor Information ( See the section for Payment Processor Pre requisite for specific details on each processors )

  4. Verification of paxstore URL inside the Q20L for Activation process ( Refer Activation Process )

Last updated