Closing Procedures - Best Practices WinPOS



Here is a quick break down of the Best Practices for Closing Procedures on the Win POS. We have broken down the steps into a Simple to Advanced list depending on the way you operate your Business.

Please note that these reports are available for current day only on the POS. CAS Reports include the Real Time Sales Report with a breakdown of tenders and Cash Balance Report and can be filtered for any date/time, so you are able to access the sales and cash data for past days if the daily reports are not run.

A Very Simple Closing - After your last Sale...

  1. Run your Daily Sales Summary Report - running this report not only provides your Sales details for the Day, but it also runs a Sync to CAS to ensure all of your Sales Information has pushed to CAS.

POS --> Reports --> Daily Sales Summary

2. Logout of the POS

Simple Closing - After your last Sale...

  1. Run your Daily Sales Summary Report - running this report not only provides your Sales details for the Day, but it also runs a Sync to CAS to ensure all of your Sales Information has pushed to CAS.

    • POS --> Reports --> Daily Sales Summary

  2. Cash Balance Report - if you are managing your Bank, the Cash Balance Report would be ideal, as it breaks down your Opening Balance, Cash Transactions, and any Cash Payouts or Pick Ups you might have ran. This is helpful for the next step when Closing your Bank.

    • POS --> Reports --> Cash Balance

  3. Close your Bank - your Bank can be Closed in three different modes, to read more about it - click here.

    • POS --> Management --> Close Bank

Advanced Closing - After your last Sale...

  1. Run all Reports POS --> Reports

  2. Z Report and ZZ Reports - These are useful if you have multiple shifts.

  3. Cash Balance Report - if you are managing your Bank, the Cash Balance Report would be ideal, as it breaks down your Opening Balance, Cash Transactions, and any Cash Payouts or Pick Ups you might have ran. This is helpful for the next step when Closing your Bank. POS --> Reports --> Cash Balance

  4. Financial Reconciliation - create a reconciliation for the day by entering in your Total Cash, Credit, and other Sales. CAS --> Transactions --> Financial --> Reconciliation

  5. Close your Bank - your Bank can be Closed in three different modes, to read more about it - click here. POS --> Management --> Close Bank

Last updated

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