Daily Sales Summary


This report lists the daily sales summary. The report gives the total amount for taxable sales, non-taxable sales, net sales, refund amounts and coupons. (Daily Sale Summary Description)

Activity Counts shows the number of customers, sales, refunded items, number of refund transactions, net grand and gross grand totals.

Media (Tender) Totals will keep a track of cash, checks and credit/debit/gift card totals from 4 am current day to 4 am next day.

DSR Receipt Description

Daily Sales Summary Reports

Register : Name of the register followed by the Reg ID

Store : Name of the Store

Venue : Name of the Venue the store is found under

Date : Date of the report (pulled from local clock settings

Employee Name : Name of Employee who ran the report

Sales Summary

TOTAL SALES : Total amount of sales made (tax included)

NET SALES : Net amount of sales made after deductions from returns

TAX : Collect amount of sales tax for all items

TAX EXEMPT SALE : Amount of sale completed without tax

REFUNDS : Amount of returns processed

DISCOUNTS : Amount of item level discounts given

COUPONS : Amount of item level coupons given

Activity Counts

#of Transactions : Number of transactions completed

#Sales Transactions : Number of sales transactions

#Refund Transactions : Number of return transactions

#Exchange Transactions : Number of exchange transactions

#Discount Transactions : Number of transactions that have a discount added

#Coupon Transactions : Number of transactions that have a coupon added

#of Items Sold : Amount of items sold at the POS

#of Items Refunded : Amount of items returned

#of Items Discounted : Amount of items with a discount added

#of Items Coupon: Amount of items with a coupon added

Cumulative Gross Total : Total of sales completed from the first time the register has been downloaded

Media Tender Totals

Pay mode : The tender used at the sale (will reflect tenders used)

# of Transactions : Number of each transactions for that tender

Total Sales : The final amount of sale for that tender reported. This is final amount so refunds will be removed from the sales total.

Cash drawer Open Details

Reports how many times the cash drawer has opened with Employee Name, POS Name, Count.

Last updated