Inventory Balance
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Go to CAS --> Reports --> Inventory--> Inventory Balance
This report provides details on the items that are in inventory. This report is consolidated at the department level showing you inventory costs and quantities. Note - this reports only active items, any items which have been made inactive will not appear on this report even if they have quantity.
Review your department totals to determine if any slow movers should be combined with fast movers to create packages or to recommend related items at the Point of Sale.
Open the csv file in a spreadsheet and run a pivot table to compare how much you have in stock by vendor.
Select "Report Only Negative QOH" to generate a report of all items with negative quantities.
To filter Report by Venue, Store, Group, or Warehouse user selects the appropriate drop down.
To pull items by classifications user selects Department, Category, Sub Category, Vendor, Royalty, Size, Style or Color. Any combination selected will pull the appropriate items to the report.
To view the report from a beginning UPC number to an ending UPC number in numeric order user enters the beginning UPC into From: and the ending UPC into To:
Additional Options include the ability to filter items by inventory levels such as: Report all items; Report only items with negative QOH (quantity on hand); Report all items with a non-zero inventory.
The user then can generate the report or download the CSV file. Once a report is generated, the user can see the store, the warehouse, the department, the SKU, and the description, category, sub category, supplier, quantity on hand (QOH), cost, cost value, retail price and sell through percent (the percentage of items sold off units available for sale) of each item listed.
The report generated in csv format, also includes attributes (style, color, size, brand, season)
Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers, warehouse general managers as well as zone managers may view Inventory Balance report at Venues or Store assigned to them.