Smart Imports
CAS --> Utilities --> Smart Imports
What is Smart Imports ?
It's as simple as drag and drop of your item file
Great for converting from your current POS system, as we accept any file.
The Smart Import will assess your file, ask the meaning for any column headers it does not recognize
An email will be sent to you with the import status, how many items successfully import, how many fail - with the reason for the fails
Smart Import - Item Maintenance
Smart Import can also be used to update items that are already in the system. Just drag and drop your file with the changes and within a couple of minutes you will receive the email confirmation that the changes have been made.
Any items that fail will be listed with the reason for the fail.
Smart Import - Changing Prices
If you are changing prices: you will receive an email saying the following:
Error details
Item cost price or selling price is different from exist Item ID :xxx
Item Cost Price or Selling Price doesn't match with Exist items. Attached .csv file for those items, user can update those items if it is required.
This is essentially asking you if you are sure you want to change the prices. You will download the file sent with the email, and import that "modified" file through the Smart Import, and the prices will be updated. It is a two step process to prevent any price changes in error.
SMART IMPORT is just one of many ways that retailcloud has available to you to enter product into the system. Other products include mInventory (Android mobile app) or your point of sale machine (tabPOS, WinPOS, or mPOS). We make it easy to find the method that works best for your business situation.
Description of the Fields :
ItemID : Unique item ID should be entered here which are alpha numeric characters (do not use special characters or spaces).(Max Length 15 characters)
Name : Unique name for the item should be entered (no special characters such as -, *, &, etc) (Max Length 50 characters)
SellingPrice : Selling price for the items should be entered.
TaxID : The tax ID associated with the item is entered here.This tax will be processed during sales transactions. The default tax is TaxID 1
The following is an example of the import file - Simple Mode
Including these in the item detail will allow you to analyze your inventory and sales data on a more specific basis, as well as look up items during the sales process to help customers find related products
Department: The department to which the item belongs should be entered (This is the name of the department, not the ID). If creating a new department, enter in a department that does not exist and the Import will automatically create it. (Max Length 50 characters). If not entered, default value is Default
Category: The category to which the item belongs should be entered (This is the name of the category, not the ID). If creating a new category, enter in a category that does not exist, the import will automatically create it. (Max Length 50 characters) If not entered, Default value is Default
SubCategory: The sub category to which the item belongs should be entered (This is the name of the sub category, not the ID). If creating a new sub category that does not already exist, the import will automatically create it. (Max Length 50 characters) If not entered, Default value is Default
Size: The Size of the item is entered here (This is the name for the size, not the ID). (Max Length 50 characters). If not entered, default value is blank
Style: The style of the item is entered here (This is the name for the style, not the ID) (Max Length 50 characters). If not entered, default value is blank
Color: The color of the item is entered here (This is the name for the color, not the ID) (Max Length 50 characters). If not entered, default value is blank
Brand: The brand of the item is entered here (This is the name for the brand, not the ID) (Max Length 50 characters). If not entered, default value is blank
Season: The season of the item is entered here (This is the name for the season, not the ID) (Max Length 50 characters). If not entered, default value is blank
The following is an example of the import file - Advance Mode
If you want to include the quantity on hand of an item, at the time you are initially adding the item into the system, the following three fields need to be completed to identify the # of pieces on hand, and which location these are located
QuantityOnHand: Quantity on hand number is entered. If not entered, default value is 0. If a quantity is entered without entering a source or source ID, the quantity will be placed in Store ID 1 as the default
Source ID: If Inventory quantities are being added, indicate which store or warehouse you want the inventory added to (normally Store ID 1)
Source Type: If Inventory quantities are being added, enter the source Id (S for store or W for warehouse) depending on where you want the quantity added
CostPrice: The cost price of the item is entered here, if its left empty then its taken as zero by the system. If not entered, default value is 0
SupplierName: The Vendor Name associated to the item should be entered. If not entered, default value is Unassigned
TypeID: If the item is a store item the ID is 1, if its a service item its 2, if its a package item its 3. (NOTE: If created a package (type 3) Status should be set to Discontinued - as the package becomes active once items are added to the package). If not entered, default value is 1
UPC: Unique UPC is entered here with alpha numeric characters (do not use special characters or spaces). The UPC can be an extension of the Item ID or completely different. But it should be unique. (Max Length 15 characters). If not entered, default value is ItemID
DiscountID: The discount ID attached to the item is entered here. This discount will be processed during sales transactions. If not entered, default value is blank
Image: Enter the URL for the image. If not entered, default value is blank
TaxInc: The tax inclusive item is indicated by filling this field with 1 or left blank for tax exclusive. If not entered, default value is blank
PriceBookID: If item will be part of a pricebook, enter pricebook ID. If not entered, default value is blank
ReorderLevel: The reorder level number is entered for the item, so that when it reaches this quantity, the item will show in the reorder report. If not entered, default value is blank
ReorderQuantity: The reorder quantity number is entered for the item, this is the quantity that is to be reordered.
MinimumLevel: The minimum level to which the quantity of the item can be reached is entered here.
MaximumLevel: The maximum level to which the quantity of the item can be reached is entered here.
No Discount Flag: If item will not be discountable enter 1. If the NoDiscount Flag does not apply leave blank
Status: Enter the word "Active" or "Discontinued", depending on what the user wants as the status of the item. If not entered, default value is Active.
UnitOfMeasure: ID for PO unit of measure. If not entered, default value is blank
Serialization Level: If item will have serial numbers associated with it "Always" enter 1, "Sometimes" enter 2. If serial number will not be added to the item leave blank
RoyaltyLevel: The royalty ID associated to the item is entered here. (Not utilized option)
Data for any of the tables given in the drop down can be imported. A sample of each file layout can be found by highlighting the type and clicking the download sample CSV button. A help button is included, for a quick link to the wiki site so the user can verify the data they are adding to the import fields. The headers must not be adjusted in any way and data must be formatted exactly as specified or the import will not be successful.
Smart Import - Inventory Receiving
One of the easiest ways to receive new inventory into your point of sale is by using retailcloud's Smart Imports.
Log into CAS and navigate to Utilities --> Smart Imports
Chose an Import Type - Select Inventory - Receiving
Press the Download Sample csv and use this file for your import
Drop the saves file in the Drag/Drop area
Once the Smart Check is complete, enter your email to receive status of the import
The Import File Tips
Do not change the prepopulated headers
Function : Keep as Receiving
Date : Enter date as MM/DD/YYYY
Location Type : enter 0 if receiving to a store enter 1 if receiving to a warehouse
Location ID : enter Store ID or Warehouse ID (enter 1 for single location). If multiple locations obtain from Listing Hierarchy ID report
PO : enter Purchase Order # if application, leave blank otherwise
Freight : Enter amount of freight applied per item. Amount applied to cost
UPC : Enter the UPC for the item being received
Quantity : Enter the quantity being received
Save as csv file
Access Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers and zone managers may import data at Venues or Store assigned to them.
Last updated
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