Periodic Sales
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Go to CAS --> Reports --> Sales --> Periodic Sales
The Periodic Sales report shows UPC level movement for a specified date range. It displays records of sales by UPC, including data on Quantity on Hand and Pending PO Quantity. This report can be useful in calculating replenishment levels.
The "Quantity on Hand" reflected here is the inventory level as of the date the report is generated and not the inventory level as of the report ending date. The Total Retail Sales on the Periodic Report should equal the Total Net Sales on the Summary Report
To filter by Venue, Store, Group or Register user selects by clicking the appropriate drop down.
User enters the date range using the pop up calendar for the From date and To date. To select another date range of data for the report the user selects from the From date and To date, this will enable the report to output from week 1 to week 3 skipping the days in between.
To output the report by classifications user selects Department, Category, Sub Category, Vendor, Royalty, Size, Style or Color. Any combination selected will display the appropriate items sold to the report.
User can Consolidate the report by selecting Enterprise, Venue or Store from the Consolidation By drop down menu. The report will display the quantity on hand (QOH) based on the consolidation selected. If the user selects the particular store and consolidating by venue then Venue level QOH will be displayed. If the user selects the particular store and consolidating by Enterprise then Enterprise level QOH will be displayed.
The user then can generate the report or download the CSV file. The pdf generated report displays the venue, store, register, UPC, and the item description, department, category, subcategory, supplier, retail price, retails sales, discount, the unit cost, and total cost of sale of all units sold for each item. If run as a csv generated report, attributes (such as style, color, size) are also included in the report.
On the report, the column titled Disc reflected discounts taken on the item, this is item level coupons and discounts.
Retail Sales is Net sales (as on DSR) sales tax not included
Unit Cost is from the postransactionitemdetail table.
Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers, warehouse general managers as well as zone managers may view periodic sales report at Venues or Store assigned to them.